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Encaustic Process

Is My Art Finished?

How to know when to STOP?  I get this question a lot. How do I know when it’s done? I know this is one of the most difficult topics to tackle…..because the really simple answer is to listen to your gut and your instincts will tell you when the piece is done. But, I know….that’s… Read More »Is My Art Finished?

Photo Encaustic Archival


To be archival or not?  The issue of archivalness comes up frequently when creating art, and I’m a HUGE proponent of using only the best archival (a term that suggests that the material or product is permanent, durable, chemically stable, and will last the test of time) materials that you can afford. Archivalness is a… Read More »Archivalness

Change is coming

Change is afoot. Last weekend I did my first ever Beyond the Basics workshop here in Minneapolis. And I have to tell you it was so much fun working with a small group of experienced encaustic artists who were ready to look at their images in a new light. Not that I don’t love teaching… Read More »Change is coming

Donuts for Sale

Donuts for Sale?

I asked for input last week on what topics you’d like covered in my upcoming blog posts. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond with wonderful ideas and kind words about the blog. One comment embedded in an email struck a chord. It went along these lines. “I just attended a sidewalk… Read More »Donuts for Sale?