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Encaustic Process


Stay Motivated! I’m feeling a little unmotivated these days. I’ve had my head down completing my latest course, Embracing Tissue Paper, and now I really don’t want to do anything else. Staying motivated has been heavy on my mind. I asked my creative circle about what keeps them motivated and was surprised to hear almost… Read More »Motivation

Your Creative Mind

The Care + Feeding of Your Creative Mind. Each one of us walks our own creative path. One artists journey isn’t any better or worse than another artist.  What we do have in common is we all need to stay inspired, because if we don’t, we risk losing our creativity. Part of the care and… Read More »Your Creative Mind

Upgrade Plan

What’s your upgrade plan? I’ve been thinking a lot about upgrading recently. We had an abundance of water this year in Minneapolis and although we haven’t had an issue in the past, it seems this was to be our summer of getting water in our basement. Every time it rained; we were vacuuming up water.… Read More »Upgrade Plan

Finding Inspiration

Where does inspiration come from? If that was an easy question none of us would struggle with inspiration from time to time.  I don’t think I’m alone when I get into a block and nothing seems to be coming my way. But then, out of blue, inspiration can hit. I recently created an image I… Read More »Finding Inspiration

Creating Backgrounds

Success Secret. Creating backgrounds for tissue paper images and photo transfers doesn’t have to be complicated and frustrating. I remember one student telling me, I’m not an artist. I don’t know how to paint. Show me a way to create backgrounds in which I don’t have to create it all in my imagination. I’m going… Read More »Creating Backgrounds